Archive for the ‘Plitt Allgemein’ Category

Ölgemälde der Lübecker Plitts

Oktober 30, 2008

Wenn Ihr sehen wollt, wie unser Senator Plitt und seine Frau ausgesehen haben, klickt auf „Bilder“ und „Plitt Lübeck“.  Dort seht Ihr Bilder aus dem Besitz von Haje Plitt, die den Senator Heinrich Gustav Plitt und seine Ehefrau Sophia Friederike geb. Jacobi zeigen. Des weiteren seht Ihr das Gemälde von Günter Otto Plitt und seiner Ehefrau Anna Maria Sophie geb. Graue. Günter Plitt verdanken wir unser Familienstammbuch; ohne seine jahrzehntelangen Forschungen wüssten wir heute nicht so viel über unsere Familie.

Wir danken Haje und Brigitte Plitt, dass sie uns diese Bilder zur Verfügung gestellt haben.


Das Pfarrhaus

Oktober 17, 2008

Chronik von Hedwig Plitt, die auch sehr viel Interessantes über den Senator und seine Familie enthält.

Das Pfarrhaus (pdf Datei)

Bericht Sippentreffen 2008 Lübeck

Oktober 16, 2008

Liebe Sippenmitglieder,

vom 2. bis zum 5. Oktober 2008 fand unser diesjähriges Sippentreffen in Lübeck statt. Es war sehr schön, Mitglieder der Plitt-Familie aus so vielen Ländern bei uns zu haben, u.a. USA, Canada, Dänemark und Israel. Der erste Abend in der „Schiffergesellschaft“ war bestens geeignet, um bekannte Gesichter wieder zu sehen, aber auch neue kennen zu lernen. So haben wir uns sehr gefreut, mehrere direkte Nachkommen des Senators zu Gast zu haben, darunter die Ur-Ur-Urenkelin Reuella aus Israel sowie die Ur-Ur-Urenkel Haje, Max und Mona aus Deutschland. 

Auf den Spuren des ersten Lübecker Plitts, Senator Heinrich Gustav Plitt, konnten wir bei der Stadtführung am Freitag sein Haus und das seines Schwiegervaters Jacobi, die beide heute noch erhalten sind, besichtigen. Zuvor statteten wir den Löwen, die ehemals das Haus zierten, nahe dem Holstentor einen Besuch ab.

Auch die Führung durch die Marienkirche gab uns interessante Einblicke in die Lübecker Geschichte.

Am Nachmittag erläuterte Dietlinde Reitz den Lübecker Stammbaum, den sie mit großer Akribie und viel Liebe zum Detail zusammengestellt hat.

Der Abend klang mit einem sehr schönen gemeinsamen Essen im Ratskeller aus.

Am Samstagvormittag fuhren wir nach Genin, der ehemaligen Wirkungsstätte von Carl Gustav Plitt, der in der dortigen Kirchengemeinde St. Georg über 43 Jahre lang tätig war. Pfarrer Heiden berichtete aus der Chronik des Pfarrhauses und las die Leichenrede des Lübecker Dompredigers.

Den Nachmittag verbrachten wir mit einer Bootsfahrt rund um Lübeck und den Hafen. 

Am Samstagabend trafen wir uns zum festlichen Abendessen im Mövenpick. Bei dieser Gelegenheit durfte natürlich ein gemeinsames Bild nicht fehlen.

Mit einem gemeinsamen Frühstück am Sonntagmorgen klang unser Sippentreffen aus.

Zwar spielte das Wetter nicht so ganz mit, aber das tat unserer guten Stimmung keinen Abbruch. Wir haben uns auch sehr darüber gefreut, dass Ruella und Reuven uns angeboten haben, ein Sippentreffen in Israel zu organisieren, verbunden mit einem Besuch der biblischen Stätten.

Nachdem das nächste amerikanische Sippentreffen im Oktober 2010 in Great Barrington/Massachusetts geplant ist, wollen wir eine Israel-Reise für 2011 ins Auge fassen.

Ich grüße Euch alle recht herzlich und hoffe, den einen oder anderen auch schon vorher einmal wiederzusehen.

Mit lieben Grüßen


In Memoriam – Karl Frederick “Fred” Plitt

März 19, 2007

Karl Frederick “Fred” Plitt, died Sunday, March 4, 2007 at his home, Trout Run Farm in Wolf Gap, West Virginia. He was 87 years old. Fred Plitt was a native Washingtonian, born Sept. 1, 1919, who grew up and lived most of his life in the DC and Maryland suburban area. He was the son of Karl Theodore and Helen Briscoe Plitt, of Chevy Chase. After graduating from American University, he served in the Army Chemical Corps as a research scientist at the Chemical & Biological Warfare Center at Camp Detrick, Maryland during WWII. While in Frederick, he met and married Frances Louisa “Pat” Dowden, another native Washingtonian who was attending Hood College. After the War, Fred & Pat settled in Kensington, Maryland. There they raised their three children, Karl W. Plitt, James H. Plitt, and Barbara Plitt-Strong. Fred continued his science career with the National Institutes of Health, the National Bureau of Standards, Harry Diamond Laboratories, and NASA. He received several patents as a result of his work with Harry Diamond Laboratories. He maintained his interest as a scientist and chemist well into his retirement. Before the War, Fred was involved with the National Capitol Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America. He was Scoutmaster of Troop 255 at Chevy Chase Methodist Church and later Troop 439 at St. Paul’s Methodist Church in Kensington, Maryland. With other dedicated Scouters, he helped recruit the first African American Scout Executive, Fred D. Maise, to the Washington area. Both “Freds” became life-long friends. Through his involvement with Wood Badge Adult Leader Training, he was awarded the Silver Beaver Award. His two sons went on to become Eagle Scouts, as did his grandson. Fred attended Jamborees in Washington, DC, Valley Forge, Irvine, California, and Colorado Springs, as part of Council Staff and with his troops. His other interests included raising & showing champion Collie dogs, raising orchids in his Kensington greenhouse, fine woodworking and photography. Later in life, Fred & Pat bought and developed Trout Run Farm in Wolf Gap, West Virginia. Through their efforts in Forestry Stewardship, they were designated the 1997 West Virginia Tree Farmers of the Year. Fred & Pat alternated their time between their retirement home in Crestwood Village, Frederick, MD and their farm. He chose to live out the last few years of his life on that farm, surrounded by the George Washington National Forest. His wife, Pat, preceded him in death as well as his grandson, Samuel Brandon Carlon-Plitt. He is survived by his sons, Karl William Plitt, and wife Pamela D. Plitt, of Mercersburg, PA; James Howard Plitt and wife Jean Carlon; and daughter Barbara Plitt of Wolf Gap. He is also survived by grandchildren Colleen Plitt Powers of N. Andover, MA, Kimberly Plitt Fledderman of Atlanta, GA, Karl E. Plitt of Gaithersburg, MD, Benjamin Tsai of Minneapolis, MN, Shaw Fici of Alexandria, VA, Ilona Carlon-Plitt, Samantha Strong of Wolf Gap, and three great-grandchildren. Internment and services will be private at Wolf Gap. In lieu of flowers, donations are suggested to the “Pat Plitt Scholarship Fund” of the West Virginia Forestry Association, P.O. Box 718, Ripley, WV 25271

In Memoriam – Norman Plitt

Februar 19, 2007

Norman W. Plitt, devoted father, professional baseball player, Coach, Director of Athletics at the White Plains, N.Y. School System and 46-year resident of East Hampton, passed from this life on January 1, 2007 from complications following several strokes. He was 75 years old. Born in York, Pennsylvania on April 17, 1931, he was the son of Norman Plitt, Sr. and the former Virginia Seifert. His father had pitched major league baseball for the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants and had played with Babe Ruth for the industrial league Bethlehem Steel Baseball Club in 1918. Mr. Plitt grew up in York, playing several sports as well as being a dedicated student. Mr. Plitt attended Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pa. and graduated in 1953. He was a standout multi-sport athlete excelling in baseball and basketball. He set an F&M batting record with a .435 average. He averaged 15 points per game on a basketball team which set a record for small and large colleges by averaging 93.5 points per game in 1952. After College, he signed a professional contract with the St. Louis Cardinal’s organization as a first baseman and travelled much of the South and Midwest. Determined to further his education, and finding that he enjoyed coaching athletics, Mr. Plitt began working as a physical education teacher. He received a Master of Arts degree from Columbia University in New York in 1954 and a degree of Doctor of Education in 1961. While teaching, he met his future wife Diana Deutsch, an art student. They married in August 1956. Ms. Deutsch had begun spending summers with her family in the Springs in the 1950’s. In 1960, they became residents of Eastern Long Island. Mr. Plitt taught physical education at East View Junior High School in White Plains, N.Y. from 1958-1988. Mr. Plitt was known there as an inspiring and innovative coach. Mr. Plitt’s sports teams included men’s and woman’s gymnastics, soccer, and wrestling. He supervised after-school athletic programs for the City of White Plains. During summers in the 1960’s, he directed the Maidstone Club Junior Activities Program, involving instruction and competition in swimming, tennis, soccer, softball, track and field and golf. After retiring from teaching, Mr. Plitt became Manager of the Guild Hall security and building operations from the 1990’s- 2000. In his later years, Mr. Plitt travelled often with his son to Washington, D.C., Germany, England, France and Italy. He was elected to the Franklin & Marshall Sports Hall of Fame in October 2000. Mr. Plitt enjoyed swimming at Egypt Lane Beach, tending his yard and rose garden, walking several miles each morning, watching the Bridgehampton middle school basketball „Killer Bees,“ and savoring a cup of coffee and a Dreesen’s donut on his front porch. His family said he had a fine singing voice and appeared in a production of „Oklahoma“ at Guild Hall in the 1960’s. Mr. Plitt is survived by his wife Diana, two children, Brian Plitt, of Washington, D.C., Allison Basile of Highlands, N.J. as well a one grandchild, Charlotte Rose. A memorial service was held on Saturday, January 13. Reverend Darwin Price of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church presided. Burial was held on Sunday, January 14, 2007 in a mist with a bagpiper.